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A cool and meaningful Japanese name for you!
Let’s express your name in Japanese

Japanese Kanji makes your name more attractive change.

Every parents in the world names their child with wishes, and also the name has meaning of words.

It is same for Japan. Recently not only for child but also adults name their own name with wishes. (by themselves )
Some of them ask Monk for support.

Japanese Monks choose kanji from sutra or select words have thankful meaning.

It is not just naming, the Monk makes a wish them who live in accordance with its name.

(To name needs some information about yourselves. For example, What kind of life you want, what kind of person you will be or about your hobby etc )

We explain the meaning of name we named. (To give an example)
For example (to give an example): Michael Jackson
【舞敬流 若空存】

(舞) “Dance” “ performance”
In ancient Japan, 舞 means to perform in front of Shinto and Buddha. That’s why the word is known as elegant and high formality word.

(敬) “Respect”
we Japanese value to respect. It means not only for people but also things what happens around us.

(流) “Flow”
We use the kanji 流, when water is flowing
And also the word means of something, progressing along smooth like flowing water

(若) “Youth”

(空) “Sky”

(存) “exist” “be there”

His Japanese kanji name means to dance as if flowing with respect, to be youth forever, and his name is known all over the world. Its meaning comes from 空 (his name is over the sky)








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